Sunday, September 25, 2011

Presenting with Prezi

So this past summer I had a short hour long professional development introducing me to Prezi. I am just now getting around to trying it out! My students are studying animal adaptations in Science to help us prepare for our upcoming overnight field trip to the Cincinnati Zoo! (LOVE this field trip!)
Tomorrow we will be learning about behavioral adaptations. I created my very first Prezi to help me present information. I love being able to add youtube clips! It is VERY easy. I found great clips on hibernation, migration and mimicry to include. Check out my first attempt and see how easy and FUN Prezi can be!!!


  1. Yes! Prezi is so great. How do the kids respond to it?

  2. So good topic really i like any post talking about Business Ideas and Advices but i want to say thing to u Human Relations not that only ... you can see in Business Human Relations and more , you shall search in Google and Wikipedia about that .... thanks a gain ,,,


About Me

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I have been teaching for 20 years. This year I am beginning a new adventure as I move on up to 5th grade!